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  • My Experiences with our 'Secret' Government

    Posted by Abigail Brantley on October 14, 2024 at 11:50 pm

    In the spirit of sharing my experiences for the world to know they exist.

    These experiences started in January 2017.

    So, I believe I was targeted by some sort of technology.

    One night, when I was riding in my car with my family, I was, as was typical of this period, panicking that something bad would happen to me (not something I want to get into, a difficult thing to articulate so I will keep it short) I just couldn’t let go of my worry, no matter how much I tried. The panic was in a paradoxical loop. I eventually, and out of no where, heard an extremely high pitched tone enter my mind. At the time I had my eyes closed, and could see this blue color suddenly fill my vision. Along with the high pitched tone, I experienced feeling an intense bout of fear enter my body. It was unnatural in it’s making, clearly not created from my own body’s reaction. I remember looking around wildly at my family members, to see if they heard it too, but clearly they did not. I was panicking even more. The next thing I know, is that when I look out our cars window, I see a black triangular craft flying parallel to my car. As I was still discovering spirituality, I had heard of craft that belonged to the ‘secret government’ (don’t remember the term if there is one I remembered) but really didn’t know what they looked like, so by a guess I assumed that this is what this craft was.

    The only thing I didn’t know was why it was there. In fact, I really did not even think to ask that question. I was 15 at the time and all I knew was what I was experiencing, and that I was incredibly scared. The high pitched ringing persisted when I got home. Every time I let my guard down, I experienced hearing the high pitched tone, and a feeling of unnaturally high rushing of fear enter my mind and body. It began to twist my mind into thinking that something very bad would happen to me. And through all of this, I failed to realize and to learn that even though it was making me feel things I did not want to feel, those feelings could ultimately not hurt me. I failed to realize that my existence was not going to end and that I would still be alright through it all and afterwards.

    Eventually as the high-pitched ringing persisted for me, it came to the point where I was starting to hear different kinds of sounds, other than ringing. I would hear alien creature-like sounds that are very disturbing for me to describe. I heard alien screeching, growling, human screaming, guttural and… I don’t know, primal noises that were completely otherworldly and very disturbing to listen to… Just scary and disturbing as fuck type of stuff. And all of these sounds seemed to be pin-pointed to locations around my house or coming from my outside surroundings and I would hear them coming from there.

    All while this ringing was happening over the months, I still had this black triangular craft follow me around at night. I remember my dad commenting on it on one occasion, so I definitely wasn’t hallucinating it, unless I also hallucinated that my dad commented on it, but I don’t believe in the official explanation of what hallucinations are anyway. I don’t know how they knew about me and I don’t know why they were following me. The only plausible explanation I can think of is that I was emitting a certain vibration that they had technology or psychic skill or both or whatever available to pick it up somehow. Or my spiritual awakening was being monitored, which could be plausible to some. I do not really know the reason for their presence at that time, but the fact that I was having an internal crisis of some sort that was causing me to be very panicked and anxious and they happen to come around has got to be connected.

    The next experience during this period on my life (roughly 7 months it seemed to persist) was one night when I could not sleep because of how scared I was, I remember it must have been 3 a.m. at night. Everybody else in my house was surely asleep. I remember hearing a car pull up and sit and hum on the street in front of my family’s house. At first I didn’t notice it, but eventually I heard a car door open, and slam shut. In my state of mind, that got my attention, because the car sounded like it was right in front of my house. I heard footsteps walking in the grass of my front lawn. I heard them come closer up to my house, to the sidewalk that goes up to my front door. Then I heard what must of been this mystery person leaning down, as there was a brief pause as they stopped walking. I then heard a distinctive ‘beep’ as if they have just placed a technology on my house or done something with some sort of technology they were holding. They went back to the car through the lawn. Stayed there for awhile, just sitting in their car, and then left. I don’t know why this happened to me. All this while, I never got up out of my bed to look out of the window onto my front yard. I never did, and I didn’t even think to do it. I was paralyzed with fear. I wish I could’ve gotten a photo, or seen something more that would make this make more sense.

    Another experience, after the above. Like I said, I was in a high state of stress, and my mind was very anxious. One night my family and I went out to eat at a restaurant. This restaurant had a radio in the front of the room making music where the doorway was, so from my position, from where I was sitting, I could see clearly where this radio was. I glanced at it, and don’t know what I was doing exactly, but it’s almost like I could see the sound vibrations coming from the radio. It looked almost like when you see heat waves in the air. I started to focus on the radio because of what I was seeing, and then I could basically see my thoughts or just my consciousness is what I mean interacting with the sound wave, interrupting the stream coming from the radio. From the perspective of just listening to the radio, the volume would literally go up and down again from the interaction of my mind. My mother commented on it and then my whole family noticed after that the radio was being turned up and down on the volume, like someone was messing with the dial, even though nobody was standing near it and messing with it.

    So maybe somehow whoever was operating the craft and whoever was in that car was monitoring me because they knew psychic abilities would develop for me somehow. I do not really know.

    I remember far far later throughout all of this, sometime after I first saw the black triangular craft, something else happened. I remember sitting on my parents bed, because I did not like to be in places where bad things had happened to me, so this was a new spot. I was clearly traumatized, looking back on my behavior now. There was some sort of craft that flew right over my house, but since I am an hour away from the naval air station, I didn’t think anything of it at first. I heard airplanes and such all the time. As it flew over my roof, I remember hearing a distinctive ‘click’ though, almost like the sound of a camera taking a picture makes. I then instantly feel this negative feeling overtake my mind, like my mind is sagging and instantly weighed down by this heavy weight of just negativity. It freaked me out quite a bit, it felt like black tar or sludge over my entire head, almost to the point of it feeling like it physically was weighing down my head. It only lasted for the day, fortunately.

    Moving on to the near end of the whole of these experiences. One night as I am trying to go to sleep, I remember being very freaked out because before I went to bed, I felt this very negative, psychic attack of some kind. It made me think that something bad was going to happen to me, but it was different than the way the high-pitched ringing made me feel this similar way. It didn’t feel like the same, even though it made me think something bad was going to happen. When I try to lay down to sleep, which was very difficult usually because my worrying would just wake me up, I looked at the space between the wall and the end of my bed, and I see (even in my bedroom I had a nightlight, but I couldn’t keep the lights on because my sister and I had shared a room during this period in my life. I would have much preferred it, but I guess back then I felt they would not get it at all why I needed it to feel less afraid. It was a very lonely period as I did not see anyone who might understand what I was going through.) I saw a part of this dark, shadowy figure walk to the right of my room. I remember panicking and trying to ignore the presence of what I thought was one of those shadow beings I recall reading/hearing about on the internet. I remember I might have looked up a few more times and seen the shadowy figure again. The figure had a very unpleasant (putting it nicely) feeling. It was dense and smokey and just fear. It was not a good thing. It’s intent felt very malevolent and insidious, from what I can remember.

    The following morning. I experienced seeing crop circles in my front yard and in the grass everywhere I went, as bizarre as that may sound. Though with the recent updates from Corey’s youtube channel, it may not sound as bizarre as I once thought. I was also seeing negative alien figures and other things like entities and ‘negative ascended masters’ or something like that being being projected everywhere around me. The figures I saw that I mentioned above were not solid, but looked rather see-through and their shape was fuzzy to me, black color energy.

    So, a bunch of entities it seemed were taking different forms, trying to scare me or whatever it is, I don’t like to think about it. They were walking around my house and trying to touch me to make me feel low vibrations. Something like that.

    That happened afterwards, I think. Maybe before, but I am not sure. These two experiences happened close to each other. I will explain how I saw these crop circles in my front lawn. So, I went outside a lot, because I was under the belief that if I was in nature enough, my mind would be spontaneously healed, and I would stop panicking over my life. Well, that’s not how the world works apparently, no matter how much I asked the earth, anything I perceived as good. It seemed this was a whole big lesson designed for me, that is all I can come to the conclusion of, no matter how painful it was. It just felt unnecessarily painful though, like why would I ever in all of existence want to experience THAT, that young and with no clue on how to calm down. It felt unbearable, like it shouldn’t be allowed to exist. I don’t like that, but that is the only answer I have, that it is all for a divine reason.

    Everything about these crop circles were real to me, but even though I could experience them with all my senses, none of my family saw them. I remember seeing different symbols, like the Ankh of life, the cross, other symbols in them, and if I stepped into them I felt an energetic difference… I just felt… different. I honestly cannot say if I remember if it felt positive or negative. It definitely did not increase my fear, at least. I felt an energetic change, and my fear did not increase at all. I still have no idea how it could have helped me or why all of them would show up and no one else was able to see them. Of course though, the fact of Corey talking about an architect, or if I can remember, positive and negative forces that can manipulate reality, then it would make sense. It all just seemed confusing and it seemed to lead to nothing, as far as I am consciously aware at least. It was the same day the crop circles were following me everywhere there was grass. I suppose they are grass circles, then. I was standing outside of a veterinary clinic when another thing happened, even far stranger to me. I saw this fae-type being, who appeared like a dwarf with a beard except his skull was in an odd shape, like a bone covered by skin in the shape of a boomerang was going and sloping off the back of his head. His skin might’ve been a palish orange-y hue, or maybe he was wearing an orange vestment like clothing, like kind of fantasy in a way, but not high fantasy or anything that fantastical. Their skulls were shaped like those dinosaurs, Parasaurolophus. It was odd. But I suppose werewolves by the side of the road at night in trench coats looking like they came out of a portal from an urban fantasy novel really makes all this less strange, haha (From one of Corey’s most recent presentations). The dwarf-looking being had another with him behind him, who didn’t speak. These beings appeared translucent almost. He asked me, “You need some help, there?” with an Irish-sounding accent of all things even though it technically makes sense, and I was just so flabbergasted at him appearing out of nowhere from it seemed to be some sort of portal, if I can recall, and just so baffled that I was seeing an actual non-human being appear to me, that I didn’t say anything. He seemed to understand my bafflement in silence and then left through the portal after I didn’t respond.

    Whoever sent those crop circles though did not attempt to reach me telepathically or otherwise, as far as I know for certain. I don’t know who they were, unless it was the dwarf-looking being who was maybe making it easier for him to appear in this dimension/realm/whatever of earth.

    When I was finally able to be calm again and I felt a little normal and not in a constant flight state of functioning I noticed that someone had hacked into my ebay account and ordered me, not them, a bowl of small green jade pellet-shaped crystals, a crystal angel statue made of amethyst if I remember correctly, and a septarian crystal sphere. And sent them to MY address. From somewhere in Indonesia it seemed. No idea if that is a truthful location. No idea why, but Ebay had sent an email reporting the incident to me and intervened and I never got them in the end. No Idea who sent me those crystals. Maybe someone who knew about the craft that were targeting me if I can say that, I don’t know. Maybe they were trying to help or maybe they were trying to manipulate me.

    Around the time my ebay was hacked, I also had someone text me from an unknown number, who sent me this message about being a lion and to find other lions like me. They said I had helped the world more than I knew, that I wasn’t crazy no matter what anybody said and to keep following my dreams, and they also called me a 444, like it was some group or some way to identify people. They said something like, “Find them. All you lions need each other.” if I am remembering their exact words correctly. Then said “Goodbye, Angel” and said to never text this number again. This was in July of 2017, I think. Roughly at that time, at least. I remember texting them back and they actually responded, within a day or less. They spoke to me as if it was like they were discovering spirituality for the first time and like “isn’t it so wonderful”. They wouldn’t tell me their name or what their purpose was for the message. I was freaked a bit, and decided not to text them again after the conversation. I don’t trust any of their words, even if they appeared on the surface to be kind and uplifting. It could have been a way to make me feel more motivated to continue practicing spirituality, and even then that seems like a good thing but could not be if they motivations are not good. I don’t really know, but I prefer not to believe in anything for certain unless it IS certain.

    I had screenshotted the photo of the initial message (It is still somewhere in my photos, I hope. (Will add it if I find it.) I did one of those cheap phone tracker services, and it said the phone number (which was already out of service by that time), belonged to a person I met at a spiritual new age kind of church. This person was a predator, apparently, when I looked them up more. I didn’t have any social media that gave away my personal info, so the only way they would have gotten my number is when I would have written it down on the signin sheet at the new-age church. He taught classes there, about the four directions or something, the winds, or the elements or something like that. He seemed very arrogant and selfish as a person, from my impression of him back then. Condescending. The first thing they said to me was, “And how much do you know?” As if they were wanting to test my knowledge of spirituality in order to build himself up.

    So, even though the phone number identifier person said it was him, I don’t know if the government goes to that length to cover that and make a plausible/convenient misdirection to hide the truth. Or it was really the person who was monitoring me the whole time, the person who sent me the crystals. Or they might be totally unrelated to the 7 months in 2017 and it was just coincidence. I don’t know for certain.

    Thank you very much for reading.

    • This discussion was modified 18 hours, 8 minutes ago by  Abigail Brantley. Reason: Clarifying about crop circle effect on my mind/body
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