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  • Posted by Darleen Fox   on December 8, 2023 at 12:59 pm


    Does anyone know about the trustworthiness of, The Light System (Med Beds) promoted by Jason Shurka?


    Unknown Member replied 1 year, 3 months ago 4 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Fredrik Refsdal

    December 8, 2023 at 1:18 pm

    Hey Darleen,
    Please check out Rezotone 12 device. I personally think it is one of the most effient and affordable Med-bed devices currently out there. Peronal experience with it are amazing.
    You can check this clip out if you want to:
    Wave Genetics is the main Theory behind it.

    • Darleen Fox

      December 8, 2023 at 1:28 pm

      Hi Fredrik,

      Thanks for letting me know!

      • Fredrik Refsdal

        December 8, 2023 at 3:33 pm

        You’re very welcome Darleen, i have worked alot with the company and its great stuff what they are doing. Most efficent if you have 2 of them, more is even better.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      December 8, 2023 at 2:37 pm

      Fredrik, this tech you share is NOT in the realm of med beds. people share of ways to shield yourself from harmful things, but med beds are way beyond this. its a tech from the outside that the secret space program has used to repair soldiers after being injured, yet it has not been allowed to the public. the movie Elysium portrays it best when the young girl needed healing, and the mother broke into a house in the space city where the wealthy people lived after the earth was heavily damaged in war (science fiction)

      • Fredrik Refsdal

        December 8, 2023 at 3:38 pm

        Dear Glenn, May i ask why everyday folks should need urgent such technology your describing, with growing out limbs, and how much may such Technology cost if i may ask? this technology can do amazing things, its practical and cost under 400 dollar. And it can also assist in growing out teeths! so i would say its quite a bargain. Check this article and the science behind it please. I am sure you will be amazed.

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          December 8, 2023 at 8:15 pm

          The med bed technology was given to those in charge of the secret space programs like solar warden decades ago, but in turn those same people haven’t allowed the public to even know about it. we live in a world of secret suppressed information that the upper echelon people in control play games with it all, while the human race suffers. we have been told that getting in a med bed would be free of charge. but as of now, those who control the money systems still want people to pay for everything. the world is enslaved into a money system that forces them to earn a wage by labor and then to pay the slave masters for things like electricity and taxed for just about everything. you have to pay to live on the planet in other words. the human race has had their pineal gland affected so it doesn’t function, and there are strands of DNA (known as junk DNA by many) that are physically there, but don’t produce a protein that makes them active. so the human race is not functioning at 100 percent. getting in a med bed would repair this along with anything else that was wrong. many people suffer badly with disease, and the technology exists to make life so much better, but those in charge still don’t allow the healing of the human race. its a crime against humanity. all because it would stop the money system that enslaves the planet. (big pharma) We should have had free (zero point energy) energy 100 years ago. but it was also suppressed.

          • Fredrik Refsdal

            December 9, 2023 at 8:14 am

            Yes, Glenn. You are Completly spot On Truth. Let’s be friends and take
            down this horrible babylon economic slave system togethe. Are you open
            for talking more on a Discord server? i have one thats suitable for this
            What we got for Now is Tachyon chambers and Rezotone 12, so lets work with those. And Build some Real Wealth and power so we can take on these darkies.

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            December 9, 2023 at 10:52 am


  • Debbie

    December 8, 2023 at 1:39 pm

    I’ve been curious myself. While I’m not too sold on Jason’s TLS whistleblower or that particular organization, this may be ok. I’ve looked into it and it seems to be some sort of scalar energy, which is probably fine. It’s not actually a bed or chair, but a room with the scalar energy. There are centers with these popping up everywhere, even in my city. If I go check it out some day, I’ll certainly give my feedback.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 8, 2023 at 1:46 pm

    I had posted an entire group room about this subject matter, yet there was no interest in it so I deleted it. so the system that Jason speaks about is called the EEsystem. it was created by a woman who’s parents were basically considered high IQ, and the the woman’s name is Dr Michael. I have been seeking out any technology that could help my physical realm that has been affected. thats why med beds were first, but this realm followed in my research. I was informed by a social media friend about this realm, and was at its infancy where there were like 3 places you could go to to sit in a room where the equipment was. none were near me, so it didn’t happen, but then because Jason was informed by the TLS to interview her in Las Vegas (where she lives) because of his followers, it took off. when you look at this realm, its like there’s a stack of computers and a computer screen for each. the amount of screens various depending on the amount the purchaser would want. the smallest is a shorter cube with 1 monitor on each side. the rest are stacks of monitors up to 6 units high. after I looked into it again, I find there are centers all over the place. one just happened to be close to me at a spa. the outline Dr Michael gave to anyone that purchased the tech to open a center was that there would be a maximum of 60 dollars per hour to bill anyone. most centers declare theres a 2 hour minimum and suggests people do 4 hours. so I thought about all the pros and cons and decided to try it. I sat in this room that was about 30 feet long and 15 feet wide, and they had a stack in each corner of the room. so they had 4 monitors per stack, so that would be classified as 16 unit system. some declare that if a center had more or less that it would not change the “potency” of the tech, but in my view, bigger is always better. so I went to 16 unit center for 2 hours. all one does is sit in a recliner and some shut their eyes, some sit there working on laptop. after the 2 hours were over, they suggest a foot bath to remove toxins through the pores of the feet. 30 minutes after soaking feet, and the foot tub went from clear water to mud. they claim this means toxins were removed from feet. so after that first visit, I felt no different in any way. so then I saw a video clip of tony robbins actually did this and said he did 4 hour session and felt better. so I asked my 89 year old mother if she wanted to try it for 4 hours. she agreed to go, and we both did the 4 hours and foot bath. neither of us felt any better doing this, so at the moment, I have decided not to pursue it further. The issue that comes from all this is the same one the world already has. the issue of money to try and acquire health. the tab for ma and I at 60 bucks an hour and 2 foot baths at 40 each was 560 dollars. that is insane. my beef with big pharma has always been that the system was pushed so people would stay sick, and then the elite just keep ringing the cash register. that is so sickening to even think about. the cure for cancer was resolved in 1934 by royal rife, yet the elite made the good tech disappear to make way for the rockefeller AMA for all the profits. when looking at the EEsystem, you think its a bunch of monitors that have different colors scrolling up or down, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, and its a crock. there’s a clinic in California reporting some did multiple sessions and saw things were changing for the better. like tumors shrinking. this clinic is supposedly the largest in the USA. so Jason has done a video reporting the good reports of all this and will continue to push it. if you go to his website, he has associated centers that you might get a discount because he’s connected with them, and then a separate map just at Dr Michael’s web site. we were told by some sources when the med beds would come they would be free. I have a price list (picture included below) of all the available options from Dr Michael, and the cost of these units are immense. up to 250,000$. then Jason shared an email recently from a woman who opened a center in Canada, and she had a month where she collected 100,000 dollars from people. and like it was awesome. yet I look at healing humanity for free just because its the right thing to do, yet this is still stuck in the ringing of the cash register. makes me sick every time it comes up. then with Jason himself, he is advertising a meeting in march next year in Miami, where someone he knows is lined up to meet with anyone that would make the trip, to unlock who they are supposedly, and theres a fee to do it. so Jason himself is doing it. theres a fine line for collecting money to keep a website going, but when there’s a fee for the betterment of the human race, where are those who will simply do whats right for free? isn’t it always stated that we are all co creators, and have abilities we can tap into? so where are the co creators in attracting finances without charging the masses exhorbitant fees? also I will share that early on Dr Michael got into legal trouble when she agreed to sell someone a system, and at some point the person buying it changed their mind. no refund was given and Dr Michael didn’t have a license to sell the equipment. Then my issue is how much does it cost to make a 20 unit system, compared to what you’re selling it for? yes, you can profit some, but if the difference is way different, then the maker is also guilty of ringing the cash register. also if anyone wanted one today because this has taken off, you’ll have to wait nearly a year to take delivery, with at least 50 percent of bill paid up front. but back to me simply trying it for the 4 hours where some claim some difference, I had absolutely nothing change. other than I paid 560 dollars for 4 and half hours, which could have paid for an overnight at the Ritz.

  • Fredrik Refsdal

    December 9, 2023 at 8:12 am

    Yes, Glenn. You are Completly spot On Truth. Let’s be friends and take down this horrible babylon economic slave system togethe. Are you open for talking more on a Discord server? i have one thats suitable for this topic.

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