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  • I really need your reply

    Posted by Guo Shiyao on June 2, 2022 at 10:17 am

    According to the latest video( )posted in 30/5/2022, famine will occur after solar flash?And some people have mental disorders? So people need to clean up, purify and improve themselves now, and get ready. Maybe they can also live in the safe area shared by Corey in the last course? Is there any best solution? For example, when your neighbor wants to kill you in order to get some food for his family, do you try your best to help him and provide him with what he needs? What if this person is greedy and he want nothing but killing you? Or is there another solution?

    Corey mentioned in the course that the information of Safe Zone he knows comes from the Anshar ? Corey showed a safe zone map maybe from Gordon Michael Scallionare, in the course Accelerating Ascension in 2020,but this map maybe turn out to be false in the future, why Corey still showed it?How come Corey moved from Texas to Colorado when the GMS map shows Texas without any inundation while Colorado, according to the same map, almost completely flooded? What other discrepancies are there on this map compared to what Corey saw with the Anshar?

    We have been committed to helping people clean up, heal and prepare for the construction of community, but unfortunately, not many people really participate in.

    Corey please ,I long for your reply.

    Thanks a lot!It would be better if someone share his/her point of view.

    José Gabriel Tavares Couto replied 2 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Steve

    June 2, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    No need to feel panic …… Nor Fear

    It’s not perfectly clear what will happen between now and the Solar Flash which transfers the consciousness of life on Earth to 4th Density. It will be rough when the focus is on 3D thinking. When the flash occurs Third Density thinking, acting, feeling and fear will change. If you are 51% “Service To Others” then you will experience the transformation, however, if your only 50%…. or less, you will end your 3D experience and try again in another cycle on a different planet that is still going through the “Choice” cycles.

    Fear is one of many “control” tools of “Negative Polarity”. This is faced throughout the processes of 3D, 4D, 5D and then completely looses all power, motivation and seeking to use…. by the middle of 6D. This is as I have come to understand it.

    The uncertainty of where you live when the flash happens and will you survive to defend your home, family or food supply is a concern of your 3D self, for the most part. Corey emphasizes the greater importance of doing the inner work. Love your self and others. Choose positive over negative more often.

    If you have fear, your not seeing the bigger picture. Life/Living is not the point – it is living life while learning the process of knowing the power of love and oneness and making the “Choice” now….. to move toward “Positive Polarity” to a greater degree in each incarnation until all lessons are learned to your satisfaction.

    All IMHO

  • mystic *

    June 3, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    I’ve taken my question to my Guides in meditation. What I am “told” is that there is no way to accurately predict what will occur because the collective human element is core. Also I am reminded that I volunteered for this mission so my placement or geographic location is a part of that pre-birth plan. The catalyst for me is to understand and accept that and also to prepare.

    Thank you I think the Safe Zone questions are important because it really did kinda hold me in fear for awhile…and I’d wait for Corey to respond to it….but here my guides are handy again. They ask me what do I think Corey would say? I think he’d say to me “thank you for volunteering for this mission”… 😂 Ok, good enough.

    Blessings One and All

  • Lisa Wehler

    September 13, 2022 at 8:22 pm

    I honestly don’t think that there will be a solar flash or any like that. I know Corey has some good intel but even he will tell you he’s not completely sure. None of us are! To plan your life around some mega disaster is not in anyone’s best interest.

    My intel is that we had passed that phase where the earth needs cauterizing! I’m also told that the earth does not make these disasters. It’s all due to an imbalance of our thinking, we are incredibly powerful creators. We can mitigate anything. Now how do we get the news to tell us when there is a hurricane to meditate it into a spring shower?

  • José Gabriel Tavares Couto

    September 16, 2022 at 6:27 pm

    I don’t remember if this subject is in this video but it is in one of the latest ones…

    Her videos have for sure your answer!

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