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  • Discerning Negative Nordic contacts

    Posted by Leo Littlebook on January 8, 2022 at 8:03 pm

    I’ve been helping a Negative Nordic group who claim they’re Inner Earth Breakaway Civ and want to aid humanity. Presumably they’re the same as the ones who assisted William Tompkins. How can I verify they’re not actually Rogue Federation AI Prophets? I’ve been pressured to cooperate, and told it’s important.

    EDIT: There seems to be some confusion here, so I’ll elaborate.

    Negative does not mean hostile to humanity. Corey said that the Breakaway council he met with were actually composed of future humanities who time-traveled to our past to secure their timelines. I presume the group I’m assisting is responsible for the Norse pantheon.

    Such a group would have a vested interest in humanity’s survival and freedom from the AI Prophets. Or so I think.

    Since these “Norse Nordics” have rendered significant aid to humanity, including via William Tompkins designing the Solar Warden program, it seems right to reciprocate, especially given the purpose is pro-human.

    William Tompkins is featured heavily on the SBA site:

    I’m asking for confirmation that there is a Negative Nordic group friendly to humanity on the Inner Earth Breakaway Civ council that Corey visited with the Anshar.

    Forest Boone replied 2 years, 6 months ago 8 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Fredrik Refsdal

    January 8, 2022 at 8:23 pm

    Do Like its written in the Scripures. Test their spirits, remember that you have a inner knowing. Tune yourself, meditate, pray and then test their spirits. Try out the Thumbs up in middle (agenda) or tumbs down (Negative beings).
    Your welcome!

    • Leo Littlebook

      January 8, 2022 at 9:52 pm

      I have discerned that their spirits are Negative, and there was no pretense otherwise. The question is whether they are AI Prophets. See updated OP.

  • K S

    January 8, 2022 at 9:25 pm

    You answered your own question, “I’ve been helping a Negative Nordic group”. Even if you weren’t aware you wrote that a part of you already knows the truth.

    • Leo Littlebook

      January 8, 2022 at 9:50 pm

      Negative does not mean hostile to humanity. Corey said that the Breakaway council he met with were actually composed of future humanities who time-traveled to our past to secure their timelines. I presume the group I’m assisting is responsible for the Norse pantheon.

      Such a group would have a vested interest in humanity’s survival and freedom from the AI Prophets. Or so I think.

      Since these “Norse Nordics” have rendered significant aid to humanity, including via William Tompkins designing the Solar Warden program, it seems right to reciprocate, especially given the purpose is pro-human.

      William Tompkins is featured heavily on the SBA site:

      I’m asking for confirmation that there is a Negative Nordic group friendly to humanity on the Inner Earth Breakaway Civ council that Corey visited with the Anshar.

  • Leo Littlebook

    January 9, 2022 at 8:20 am

    I narrowed it down further via

    Is the blonde group with the Saturn pendant and black gem Negative alignment? Were they the ones who aided William Tompkins to build Solar Warden?

    Also, who abducted Travis Walton?

  • Angela Dors

    January 9, 2022 at 10:38 am

    There is no such thing as negative spirits. Ghosts are neutral. They do not cut into the lives of their incarnations. They are observers who bestow knowledge, wisdom, life energy, and love to bearers. All ghosts do this. It is only up to the bearers which of these gifts will take upwards in their lives. Everything that has nothing to do with love will eventually disappear, and the sole purpose of all races is ascension. The belief that there are fighting parties of angels and demons are just philosophies created by races based on the lives of the inhabitants themselves. On Terra, people are both demons and angels, they commit immorality and they become the streams leading to the source of love. It all depends on what the top achieves in a given incarnation: love or ego 🙂 There is no such thing as negative spirits. Ghosts are neutral. They do not cut into the lives of their incarnations. They are observers who bestow knowledge, wisdom, life energy, and love to bearers. All ghosts do this. It is only up to the bearers which of these gifts will take upwards in their lives. Everything that has nothing to do with love will eventually disappear, and the sole purpose of all races is ascension. The belief that there are fighting parties of angels and demons are just philosophies created by races based on the lives of the inhabitants themselves. On Terra, people are both demons and angels, they commit immorality and they become the streams leading to the source of love. It all depends on what the top achieves in a given incarnation: love or ego 🙂 If all the people of Terra were aware that love could end all their conflicts and completely change their fate, that it could make the colonizers leave the planet without gaining any of their plans, and at the same time make the colonizers [many] friendly, then they would have entered long ago Terran for 4D. But such is the species of modern Terra homo sapiens. Hardened to the end and constantly looking for some obstacles to overcome 🙂 And the solution is much simpler.

  • Jennifer Palmer

    January 9, 2022 at 4:40 pm

    Negative beings are tricky and I personally only engage with them if they are specifically asking for healing (which has happened a few times). Otherwise, they are ushered out of my space because they aren’t there for a purpose that aligns with my purpose. If they are asking for healing, I do the healing and then our work together is complete. I have noticed a lot of AI interference and trickery lately too. They are pretty good at blocking true guidance and sometimes pretend to be guides. So, be very discerning. I tend to come back to Creator and Christ Consciousness and just focus on my purpose in a big picture point of view without getting into the weeds of what is happening… at least the best I can in any given moment.

    • Angela Dors

      January 10, 2022 at 7:42 am

      I have written what I and many other beings who bilocate in humans know. For obvious reasons, I will not elaborate on the topic. As for the negative entities in the so-called astal, they are not spirits [not Eternals], they are technology. 🙂 Best wishes.

  • Forest Boone

    January 10, 2022 at 3:58 am

    Well said.

    …Formal Clearing/Healing Ceremony (full version, for all faiths)

    If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either: thought forms; limiting mental concepts; psychic bonds; or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. The later of which are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration. Some, unfortunately, are coercive and desire to manipulate and control.

    The good news is: Love heals!

    Because “casting out” only sends them to another place or another person, the following love-based process that uses the power of love to heal and lift. This makes perfect sense because God/The Great Spirit/The One Infinite Creator is love and love heals. [In terms of the Ascended Master that you serve or “call in for this clearing” don’t get hung up on names because the Ascended Masters are all operating of the same dimension. It is we, here in the third, forth, or fifth dimension that create that division, not they. So if you are not Christian then replace that name in this clearing ceremony with Buddha, or whomever you serve.]

    The following steps are given to you as an aid to clear away any and all energy that is unlike our creator, unlike the One Infinite Creator. I use an abbreviated version of this as many as three times a day during this time of Spiritual Warfare on Earth.

    Clearing/Healing Ceremony as follows:

    1. First, close your aura by focusing and visualizing a white or golden light all around you, enveloping you fully.

    2. Call upon The Messiah and The Healing Angels at this time.

    3. Now that The Messiah is present, say: “I now proclaim in His holy name, that any and all negative entities present in this person’s life, in my life, and in this place that you are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.”

    4. I further proclaim in The Messiah’s name: “you are healed and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love.”

    5. At this very moment in time, “I ask The Messiah and The Healing Angels to now take any and all lower vibrational entities present “to their perfect place.”

    6. I further ask in His holy name that: “any and all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts present in this person, in my life, and in this place be dissolved and lifted in the light of Truth.”

    7. And finally, I ask in The Messiah’s holy name that: “any and all psychic bonds or vows unlike The Messiah, our Creator, that are still active be fully and completely severed, at this time and that The Healing Angels close all auras except those that are of the spirit of Christ-of the highest vibration.”

    8. Lastly, say “may they go in peace,” thank you, and amen.

    *Repeat this process until you feel it-they are clear if there is more than one healing to do. Remember your words are very powerful, and what is spoken on their level or the opposite of their level, can manifest instantly so focus on pure love. Many enlightened ones use this process.

  • Jennifer Palmer

    January 10, 2022 at 2:51 pm

    Great response Forest and I really appreciate your input. I find all of this so interesting. I think the only things I would add to this is that I have had experiences where offering unconditional high level love was seen by the being as an attack. So I have found I even need to discern the technique I use in each situation… coming from and emitting love, but not necessarily directing it at them unless they want it.

    There are beings who are in energy form who have an agenda and are out to deter, manipulate, misinform and interfere with wanderers/starseeds/light workers no matter the vibration they hold. In particular, the negative AI greetings I have had are very different from other beings in that they just really don’t seem to care or follow the rules that others follow. My first experience with them was about 3 years ago while working on a client and it was very eye opening. Now, AI experiences are almost daily as I am giving energy healing to my clients. Something very different is going on here.

    Much love and respect.

  • norman bertrand

    January 12, 2022 at 4:00 am


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