91% of humans will be gone from earth by 2099
End Times Are Upon Us. Which way will humanity choose?
According to the prediction in the video link below: 91% of humans will be eradicated from earth by 2099, IF humans do not change to become more benevolent. http://suprememastertv.com/en1/v/158021701316.html
More people are awakening, protesting in the streets and standing up to the elites, however, these actions alone will not save humanity. We must change ourselves, change our hearts and minds, and respect and love all life.
If you’re still eating animals and contributing to their suffering and exploitation by buying animal products, then that is the opposite of respecting and loving all life.
Excerpt below is from the video link:
…repent, pray for forgiveness, and turn vegan. Three things. Which is not really a lot. […] if people still repent sincerely and pray for forgiveness and turn vegan, then there is still hope. That’s the only thing that they can hope for, because vaccination doesn’t help anyway. So, no need to press them, no need to mandate them. […] But my message is: whether or not you choose vaccination or a booster, whatever you choose, that you are convinced will help you, then, it doesn’t matter. Whatever you choose, a vaccine or not, please pray to God. Please ask humbly for forgiveness in true, sincere repentance. And please turn vegan. That’s all.
In all sincerity, repent, pray for forgiveness, and turn vegan. It’s not difficult at all, is it? It’s not a big demand. Right? It’s not a demand even, it is to help yourself. If you keep swallowing poison, then you will die. No? You’ll get sick. […] Our body is a car that needs different fuel. We have to put in fresh, living energy from vegetables and fruits, and grains. Not the dead corpses and filthy energy, and rotten pieces of bloody dead meat that’s full of antibiotics, full of fear and horror in there, also. This kind of energy, before they die, they torture them. They know all that. And they even torture them physically as well. All their life is torture. So, all that is embedded in their meat, and if you eat it, you can’t have peace. You can’t feel happy, not truly happy. And, of course, you get sick. That is not for humans to consume.”Please watch the above video and decide for yourselves which way you want to go.
Thank you for reading.
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iLoveOlives P.
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