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  • 5G depleting vitamin B12?

    Posted by Vicki Luibrand on October 14, 2021 at 4:48 am

    I am observing that since 5G has been rolled out, more people are becoming very depleted in vitamin B12. 5G causes stress, which depletes B12. You may want to take B12 lozenges (to make sure your intestines can absorb it), especially if you are having nervous system issues, muscle aches or joint pain. Methylcobalamin is a good form.

    K S replied 3 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • K S

    January 12, 2022 at 1:34 pm

    How did you determine there was a depletion of Vit B12, specifically?

  • Vicki Luibrand

    January 29, 2022 at 3:42 am

    Sorry for the delay…major computer issues. I know of two people going through different symptoms that both apply. One is gluten sensitive (which can cause B12 absorption issues) and the other is/was vegetarian (B vitamins are primarily in meat and fish). Both had severe symptoms (the first seizures, and was tested). From my understanding, B12 is the most common nutrient deficiency; although the body can store it for a long time, so it can take a while to notice problems. Note that medical doctors test the blood for B12, but they typically do not test for absorption of it, even if they suspect a problem. They also do not acknowledge the reality of gluten sensitivity, even though it can be determined by a DNA test.

    • K S

      January 29, 2022 at 12:19 pm

      Ok, but then how did 5G play into their problems? It sounds like even w/o it they would have the same problems. Blood work will show how much vitamin is absorbed. My blood work showed I was low on B12 myself & my doctor said to take supplements, which I did. Last time I was checked I had way too much, so I stopped taking them, or only like 1 a week. B12 supplements are water soluble, so they’re virtually non-toxic and don’t store in your body, but you’re just wasting money taking too much. For your body to store a supplement in needs to be fat soluble.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  K S.
      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  K S.
      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  K S.
      • Vicki Luibrand

        January 31, 2022 at 4:42 am

        As I said, 5G causes stress, which depletes B12. It’s also odd that the person with the gluten problem started getting the seizures during the 5G rollout, even though he had stopped eating gluten, and was only being affected by occasional quinoa, which mimics gluten. Why would he have more problems now, on a cleaner diet, if not from 5G? Dr. Osborne says B12 gets stored. He’s the smartest doctor I know…one of 270 with his massive nutritional training. He refuses to get an MD, because he doesn’t want to degrade is education. I highly respect him for that! By the way, I saw pictures today of robins in Michigan in this freezing cold weather. Apparently they are in both peninsulas. Why didn’t they fly south for the winter? Is it a 5G navigation issue?

        • K S

          January 31, 2022 at 6:49 am

          There aren’t enough conclusive studies of the harmful effects of 5G and I haven’t seen one on stress in particular. It’s more connected with cancers and navigation for animals. Here’s some reported symptoms, but they don’t mention seizures.

          ( If they don’t do a study they can say it’s safe.) As to your friend, since a gluten free diet is supposed to help with seizures, I can see why you might blame 5G. And maybe it is the cause. But, it’s not enough of a convincing cause and effect, it’s only anecdotal and 1 case. However, there’s a definite connection with cellphone use and brain cancer, though it takes years to develop. (Not to say your friend has cancer.)

          This is an interesting 5G article, especially the military use.

          Vit B12 is “stored” in a sense, so I stand corrected.

          ” B12 is “stored” by simply being attached to the enzymes that require it. But, as @jzx also pointed out, perhaps “storage” is not an accurate description — cobalamin is an integral part of these enzymes; it is not present in excess, and not kept in some storage compartment from where it can be mobilized (like glycogen, for example).

          B12 is stored as mitochondrial 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin, primarily in the liver (2 to 5 mg) but also about another 1/3rd in muscle. []

          While the literature tends to use the term “storage,” this coenzyme form of B12 would still be taking an active role in metabolism. As the liver and muscles have the most mitochondria per cell, they are apparently considered the de-facto reserves.”

          Robins can be seen in cold climates in winter.

          But, 5G MAY interfere with migration.

          It is all very complicated and there’s constantly new info.

          • Vicki Luibrand

            February 2, 2022 at 9:25 pm

            I learned from an expert on the subject that EMF can cause seizures directly, although it’s my opinion that other factors would have to exist. I don’t know where he got the information, but I read his newsletters and he collects all of the facts and is driving a major lawsuit on EMF.

            The robins surprised me (and others) because I grew up in Michigan. The robin is the state bird, but they leave for the winter. When you see them again, they are the first sign of Spring. It’s always been that way there.

            By the way, I’m still dealing with computer issues and have to send my only functional computer in for repair (hardware issue). I won’t be online for a while.

          • K S

            February 2, 2022 at 10:58 pm

            Well, that’s interesting, I suppose that could happen. I don’t know if those dots work, but maybe your friend could give them a try. Maybe I should try them too, might help my cat with the spastic seizures.


            I’m in IL and we don’t see robins either until spring. So, could be the 5G. This is like with the cellphones. The industry that produces the product runs the studies then pronounces them safe.

  • Daniele Branca

    January 29, 2022 at 9:16 am

    it kinda also depends on general vitamins, minerals deficiencies and the influence of 5g/magnetism on intestinal bacterias; one dude that i kinda follow is frank tufano on youtube, not everything seems right but since i believe knowledge on nutrition is also secreted in part, hardly anyone knows the full rules of it. even though some animal products may not be optimal in a perfect path of ascension, they contibute greatly in recovering energy and healing the the body( cheese,milk( not contaminated by plastic and antibiotics) eggs(possibly after the chicken eats only grass and not to many grains) , fish(without heavy metals). some animal products allowed me to recover from excessive grain comsumption here in italy.

    • Vicki Luibrand

      January 31, 2022 at 4:48 am

      I agree, but I did recently learn that everyone (except for a couple groups of people in remote locations who’s bodies have learned to adapt) is lactose intolerant as an adult. The homogenization of it is also bad, and they changed the definition of milk so that it can include aspartame without labeling it. In addition, dairy mimics gluten, which is an issue for gluten-sensitive people. Also, many people, including myself, can’t eat eggs (mainly egg whites), due to lack of an enzyme. There’s so much to know about nutrition!

      • K S

        January 31, 2022 at 6:55 am

        This article explains about the aspartame issue. Bottom line if it gets added it will be listed in ingredients.

      • Daniele Branca

        January 31, 2022 at 9:21 am

        i live in europe so things are different, especially milk, the intollerances and inflammations to eggs may be subconsequences of other problems, reduce the wi-fi you have around for a while without using it with the cellphone for a start. maybe try to use a little of bentonite clay for digestive issues. even if there are people with digestive issues in europe i feel like there are too many in america,so chemicals must be a part of the problem. try to identify from which poison are you suffering from if it comes from mineral, plant or animal byproduct.

        • K S

          January 31, 2022 at 1:41 pm

          You are so right. I was in France a long time ago and Italy and the food tasted so amazing, compared to the US. I noticed it especially in tomatoes and chicken.

  • Fredrik Refsdal

    February 1, 2022 at 1:05 am

    5g is a Fucking w.ea-pons system, and the people behind it shoud be punished severe.

  • Fredrik Refsdal

    February 1, 2022 at 1:33 am

    Most content about 5g being negative for living beings are getting censored, but there is still some platforms who believes the Truth should be available. Like bitchute for example:
    God bless them

    If they (the Elite( want forgiveness, Get Religion!

    If Some People want protection from this nasty Fake-network, get Rezotone (Works like a Champ) :

  • Fredrik Refsdal

    February 1, 2022 at 1:33 am

    We Do NOT Consent to 5 G Wifi.

    • K S

      February 1, 2022 at 12:09 pm

      Too late, we all got it.

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