• Seet Hing Long

    August 26, 2022 at 11:39 pm

    The feeling of Ronaldo Christiano who join Manchester is like starseed reincarnate to Earth. If the whole club is corrupted and all players do not believe in his contribution but rather all think only for self interest and money, it is like Corey attempt to send a message and everyone has learnt it but no one could change but follow the same rules of game.

    Other players remain focus on “play of money” and live their own life. So no amount of help or participation of Christiano Ronaldo able to change the whole club and he could not awaken other players to play heartily and enjoy the game. Even if he expose there are corruptions in the whole league and industries, other players are like “reptilians” who will desperate to ridicule and destroy him in the dark by false accusations, spreading rumours and distort the games he play. So the natural decision for Ronaldo is not to replace or reset and change the whole club industries but leave and join other club. He is not Angel who could create new clubs for others to play. Demon are like bosses that feed on players and suck money out of all with players as attractions and sell merchandise of the club.

    These top players also will not able to pool their money together to buy and create their own club because they cannot get the bigger money to run the whole industries which resembles the Earth situations.

    The key that run the Earth as most American old saying is money and gun. And the money forms now is fiat and not real money so the rules of the world is not fiat money but gun and so wars never stop. If using gold, money will run out and stop.

    Imagine that countries destroyed and form increasingly with shorter time and fiat has lost totally all values and the military industrial complex hide in Antarctica like anonymous without countries and able to rule the whole world with tech. People start to realise now world is control by industrial of needs and wants and distribute by technocrats.

    So Zulu races when they attempt to help, it is not possible to change people wants technologically but spiritually and offer all opportunities to other planets where Earth left only Reptilians to see the Solar Flash. If it is galactic level Solar flash, every planets will receive it and you can migrate to other planets in any forms whether in humanoid body or waiting to reincarnate to other planets in astral forms. God love unconditional so regardless you live on planets dead or alive or in the space or other planers, you will receive the ascension energy.

    Wars and Economic crisis create fake hope for victims to migrate and escape but they are like animals trap providing them the false hope to escape to the same system and repeat the game again. It is like medical concept of using blood transfusion from others and replace organs to keep a dying person alive. It is like industry concept of replace machines, injecting new money to keep conglomerates running. It is like countries creating false hope by slain the dictator like Hitler, accepting refugee and print money to feed selectively and rebuild infrastructures to make the empires strong again. When the core of system and corruptions like cancer has been spread through, the best options is to face the death and wait for God to create new bodies for all to play again. Players could not change but God levels and Angels able to create new paradise for qualified players to play again. So Armageddon is nothing for high level Angel and Demon, they are harvesting souls to play in their world after the Armageddon. Players could simply join the game if the club willing to pay you. If neither Angel or Demon games you want, return to the Source and let for God create a paradise again that God think is good for you.